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Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma and Master of Arts in Theology, Ministry and Mission

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For students who have sufficient theological learning (not necessarily by degree studies) we offer a Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and an MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission, validated by Durham University  as part of the Church of England’s Common Awards programme.

We teach theology, ministry and mission as an applied course. This will enable you to make connections between your advanced study of theology and your ministry experience.

Modules are delivered partly at residential weekends and partly through evening classes: Evening classes will normally be held online as our students are spread out throughout our region (including continental Europe). The classes are enhanced by internet based resources and a common Virtual Learning Environment especially adapted for ERMC.

At the residential weekends you will study subjects such a ministry and worship, reflective practice, and ministry and mission. You will also train in your local context with a supervisor. For more details follow this link.

First rate library facilities are available in Cambridge, where our students have access to the libraries of the Cambridge Theological Federation. Students can also access the libraries of Norwich Cathedral and the St Alban’s Cathedral Study Centre. Remote students can make use of online resources and postal services.

You can download a sample course outline here.

For other postgraduate study options please contact us.