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Distance Study

Our Certificate and Diploma courses are available in distance delivery. For students who cannot access one of our physical centres we offer our evening classes through BigBlueButton, a powerful web conferencing software. It enables us to bring together students who live far away into one classroom and learn in community. Some students live in inaccessible parts of the countryside, others live in continental Europe and yet others travel for business. So the classroom can stretch from rural Norfolk to Singapore and from Rutland to Greece.

We use Moodle as our VLE (virtual learnng environment) to provide learning materials to students. There are excellent discussion fora and other tools online, that make our online modules accessible from anywhere in the world.

Some may find the online classroom a little daunting to start with, but even the most computer illiterate students find that they can easily navigate the software and the platform conducive to good interaction and learning. In other words, it works.

All ordinands attend our residential programme, and LLMs/Lay Readers in training attend study days. Independent students are not required to attend these and are able to study for the Certificate and Diploma entirely online.