<span>Foundation Award</span><span class="odin-icon odin-icon--font-awesome"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg></span>

Foundation Award

The Foundation Award in Theology, Ministry and Mission is a short introductory course which can be studied over one…

<span>Undergraduate Studies</span><span class="odin-icon odin-icon--font-awesome"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg></span>

Undergraduate Studies

Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Ministry and Mission ERMC offers four main pathways for academic learning…

<span>Postgraduate Studies</span><span class="odin-icon odin-icon--font-awesome"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg></span>

Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma and Master of Arts in Theology, Ministry and Mission For students who have sufficient theological learning (not…

<span>Full Time</span><span class="odin-icon odin-icon--font-awesome"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg></span>

Full Time

Full-time context based training at ERMC: A missional focus By choosing our full-time context-based route, you will train on…

<span>Part Time</span><span class="odin-icon odin-icon--font-awesome"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg></span>

Part Time

Our part time programme is designed to fit in with your busy life. Most of our part time students…

<span>Distance Study</span><span class="odin-icon odin-icon--font-awesome"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg></span>

Distance Study

Our Certificate and Diploma courses are available in distance delivery. For students who cannot access one of our physical…