Our Vision

We have a vision of a Church that is culturally, theologically and spiritually diverse, and united bboth in its confidence in the Gospel and in its commitment to serving its local and global context.

Our Mission

Our mission is to resource the worldwide Church by offering flexible formation and learning for lay and ordained Christian discipleship, ministry and mission.

Our Aims

We are a welcoming and supportive learning and worshipping community

  • which, rejoicing in the diversity of the Church, forms and equips lay and ordained Christians for discipleship, ministry and mission;
  • in which inherited and new forms of Church life are celebrated;
  • which sends out students who, passionate for the Gospel, follow the call of the Spirit and engage in God’s mission to all creation, longing for justice and mercy, and equipped for transformational ministry;
  • which works in close partnership with Dioceses, other denominations, the Cambridge Theological Federation and others.
Our Strategy

As a Theological Education Institution, we aim for excellence by

  • enabling people preparing for Christian ministry to discover their gifts and grow into the ministers God created them to be; to be inspired and challenged by their learning; to develop and apply their practical skills; and to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ;
  • maintaining the highest standards of teaching and learning, integrating academic learning, ministerial skills and spiritual growth;
  • offering innovative, flexible, accessible and responsive pathways that meet the changing needs of our students, partner dioceses and the wider Church;
  • offering resourcing for ministerial development;
  • maintaining effective leadership, management and operational structures which support financial sustainability.