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Holocaust Memorial Day Event: Standing Together: An Interactive Evening of Exploration and Reflection

Holocaust Memorial Day Event: Standing Together: An  Interactive Evening of Exploration and Reflection

A Joint Event with St Edmundsbury Cathedral and the Council for Christians and Jews at St Edmundsbury Cathedral on 3rd February 2020 at 7:00 pm

An evening of exploration and reflection on this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day theme of ‘Stand Together’ takes place on Monday 3 February from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm in the Edmund Room at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The event has been organised by St Edmundsbury Cathedral, the Council for Christians & Jews and Eastern Region Ministry Course.

Contributions will include:

  • ‘Chaplains in Liberation’ from Rob Thompson, Senior Programme Manager at the Council of Christians and Jews
  • ‘Belonging to a family named Righteous Among the Nations’, Revd Manette Crossman, Vicar of Great Barton & Thurston, Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich
  • ‘Reflections on Auschwitz’, Revd Mark Hunt, chaplain and leader of retreats and pilgrimages to Auschwitz and the Holy Land from the Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich

Interspersed with musical, artistic and literary reflections from the period as explored by Revd Lucy Dallas

No booking required. Admission free, but donations welcome.